Today, we discuss the power in letting go and going with the flow of your life.
In order for us to lift and soar to new heights in the New Year, we have to lighten our loads and get rid of the anchors of the past, relationships that don't serve us, and the mindsets that hold us back.
We must release, go within, and stop worrying about things that we have no control over in order to live a more fulfilling life. Make choices that align with what you want and ignore the rest. Get clear on the things in your life that aren't aligned with your growth and release them!
In the year two thousand and sixteen, I lost my android in a most cruel way. Someone practically took it from me, while I stood and watched. Few weeks later, my phone was replaced. But I never forgot the incident, it hunted me into the year after and even the next. It took away a part of me.
Each year we encounter takes away something from us while giving us something in return. It takes away some friends and brings us to meet others, it takes away a job and gives us another, it takes away our loved ones and we begin to bond with a new person. A good number of these things don't truly matter because they are replaceable. Although sadly, what we get in return may never equal what we had (at least based on our perception).
Often times, we hold onto the hurt for so long and then something even more bigger is taken away from us. The biggest of which is our joy. This is quite dangerous as it makes us take away something from others too and creates a vicious cycle of angry, unhappy and reclined individuals.
While we all await the new year, many of us are yet to get over our losses in the year about to end, and many more unknowingly, will rollover their sadness into 2020.
1.) Accept what has happened: I checked for my phone severally in the usual place on the days following the robbery. I woke up everyday, hoping that it was all a dream. The earlier you accept your new situations, especially those you have no control over, the faster your wounds can heal. You must be honest to yourself, that's the start of the healing process.
2.) Allow yourself to mourn your loss: once you accept your situation, you will naturally grieve over it. Do not feel ashamed about how you feel or try to suppress the feeling, let it all out. If it drives you to tears, cry. Many persons try to show strength and jump this stage. This set of persons do have sporadic outbursts of emotions especially over things that shouldn't cause such on a normal day. Grieving helps you free up the energy that is bound to your loss. This helps return you to a state where you are not bothered because you presumably 'do not have'.
3.) Look at the brighter side: While you mourn your loss, do not let it last forever. Even after I had replaced my phone, I was still not happy. I still focused on what the former could do that lacked in the latter. For two years, I didn't put into good use the new phone. Take advantage of the new situations in your life. Focus on how they at least made you try out something new, its a step further.
Approach the new year with a child-like mind. Forget your down moments and think of all the visions you had for 2020, it's time to bring them to life. I wish us all a better year.