It was 2am, just an hour after Mike had exploded with ecstasy and Zii was all desirous yet again. Mike had returned late that evening on purpose, he was yet to recover from the events of the previous night. He had met Zii 2 years ago, 'untouched' and was hopeful that she wouldn't be like Lily his ex. As far as Mike was concerned, Lily was a man wearing the look of a woman. She was totally insatiable in bed. He had tried every possible way to contain her nymphomaniac personality but he had one day concluded that, he either leaves her or die untimely. When it was time for him to marry, his friends advised he went for a naive adult and he had hoped for something different with Zii. Zii though having little knowledge about the act itself, always had so much energy. He had severally, feared the day when she would cheat on him should his strength fail. When he woke up to find Zii on him, he tried to feign all sleepy. But Zii was too swift, her lips were already on his.
Dear Mike (Men),
A woman's desire is an interplay of psychological and biological influences. If she is into you and begins to imagine Eros, the right hormones will be released. These hormones released control her until every drop of it is consumed. That is the height of the urge you see. Every woman has her height of sexual arousal based on the interplay of these two influences and naivety has no part to play. If your lady has a great urge, it is not a sign that she would/has slept with a hundred men or is likely to cheat. It is rather a sign of how deep she is into you. Enjoy her and find a way to give her satisfaction.
May our lives truly get better.
