Zoe was the weirdest lady in her class. She was muscular, grew beards and had tufts of hair,spread allover her chest. She was often mistaken by teachers to be a guy. Many ladies wouldn't associate with her because she was what they called 'an off color'. The few that did often made jests at her for her looks, calling her gender 'inappropriate'. Rather than breakdown from that, Zoe decided to hang with the guys instead whom due to her looks, took her as one of their own. They took her to their football trainings and competitions. Seeing her exceptional running skills, they talked her into representing their school in the female category inter school racing competition. With the training from the guys, she came tops. Two weeks later, she was all over the papers, she became the school games prefect and was to represent her state in the same competition. Zoe soon became the most sought after female in the school and no one ever made mention of her features.

People may ostracize you because of one thing or another. They may say you're not good enough. Don't let those words lower your self esteem. Tell yourself something encouraging.

'' I can't contest I'm not good enough;
I can't make friends with her, I'm not as smart;
No need to read, I will never pass anyways;
Nobody loves me, I'm fat ''.

If you ever say these words to yourself, this is for you. You ARE a thousand beautiful things, do not look for the million things that you're NOT. Draw the beautiful parts of you, don't let your mirror show you just pimples! No one has the right to make you feel bad about yourself. Treat yourself like a baby! Babies don't care how you look at them, they never see themselves in a bad way. They give you a smile even when you're scolding them, they don't check if they are dirty before giving you a hug, they don't worry about how they look when they poop, they don't even think their diapers makes them look weird, LOL.
So when next someone calls you blackie, smile. When they say you're ugly, tell them how myopic they are. Be your own hype person!