'' Clients do not come first, employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients ''. Richard Branson.
A workplace should be three things to an employee:
1.) A place to serve: it is their only opportunity to show off their many skills and many talents, you must never deny them this opportunity. Do not turn them into robots, do not deny them of the very thing that makes them feel like humans. Make your employees' contributions top priority.
2.) A place to grow:
Help them grow their skills, our employees may not come fully prepared, provide training opportunities for them.

Help them grow their finance. While you take from them, do your best to give them. Don't underpay them or find unnecessary reasons to slash their salary.

Help them grow their network. Do not constrain them to your organisation. Your organisation may not bring out the best in them, it may not be their dream job! Don't be selfish about this investment. If they can't get to their dream, you will soon experience a depreciation in their output.

3.) A place to live: An average employee spends 8 hours of his/her day at work. Is your workplace healthy enough for them? Do you give time time to rest? Do you give them time to feed? Do you give them time to visit the hospital when they need to? Do you give them time to be with their loved ones? Or is it all about the money they make for you? Your employees shouldn't live just to work for you.

The responsibility of a company is to serve her customers. But a company is not that empty building tagged 'Claire's Company Ltd.', it is not those grandiose offices, it is not the goods at your supermarket. It is the people who work there, it is your employees. The growth of your company depends on these individuals, your range of services depends on them, your expertise depends on them, you cannot survive without them. Most organisations often forget this and turn their employees into mere objects to be used and dumped at will.
Dear Mr. manager, when next you're at work, please do not just focus on your duties as a manager, think of your employees.