Oh Technology!
Your arrival brought us unrivalled joy! You brought the world right under our feet, you made the world a village and took us places where we've never been before, you helped us research this planet and we found love. Why then oh dear technology dost thou treat us thus? Why do you wish to take away just as you had given?
It was a common practise in the olden days for families to give their sons and daughters in marriage to men and women whose homes were almost a stone throw from the family. In fact there were times when people married from their kindred. In those days, families knew their courting members and intending couples knew themselves right from cradle. Both parties were used to each other prior to the ceremonies and relationships were filled with substantial interactions.
With the advent of civilisation, inter tribal relationships began. Technology followed, driving merchants from far and wide to communities, further strengthening inter tribal relationships.
A widespread use of mobile phones and the Internet ensued and people were now even able to maintain contact with their peers in other parts of the world. This gave birth to a new dimension of loving; The Long distance relationship.
The innovation, technology is however evolving at a very high rate such that her products are wiped out much sooner than they are created. And the future of a once refreshing feeling that brewed trust and love has now become very uncertain.
Relationships now exist between people who are profoundly lonely and almost isolated emotionally but who are by all indications, connected with technology. The distressing part of it is that their cries of loneliness go unheard as each half assumes a connection from their very many 'virtual' communications.
The sad truth also is that; whatever our position on technology, we cannot rule it out of our lives. It has become embedded into our very existence and we need it to survive. How then do we preserve the future of our feelings in our world of today?
My answer is an 'appropriate' use of technology and a rekindled value for physical encounters.
1.) Limit our time to the digital world: Truly, we cannot do without our very many gadgets but technology was made by and for man! We have a control over what powers it has in our lives. We must know the value of our human interactions and not let anything, including technology take that from us. Rely less on your mobile and create equivalent time to meet with your loved one. Set limits for what you discuss over the phone and the time you spend talking over the phone. This may sound all mechanical but with an insistence, it becomes a lifestyle. It at least, gives you a reason to look up to a physical meeting with your loved one.
2.) Make every encounter priceless: while you try to achieve a limitation in what you communicate over the phone, you must also give value to your physical encounters with your special one, to avoid creating a vacuum in your relationship. Often times, we have observed that online lovers have nothing to say to each other when they finally get to meet. There are a thousand and one things to say to your special one. Start all over to say those mushy words you put into writing everyday and watch the sparks that come with the countenance behind those words! Hold hands while you say those words, focus on the rhythm of those moving lips. Not one second of those 2 hours should be lost. Create memories that leaves you breathless till your 'next time'
Dear Lovers of our time, what are your views on this matter. Shall we sit and watch Miss technology take away something so breathtaking? Leave your thoughts on the comment section.
We cannot return to our beginning but we can tailor whatever material we have currently to suit us. We must augment by ourselves, whatever lacks in technology to give the right spread of communication to our relationships. We must preserve what we cherish.
Love conquers all!
Your arrival brought us unrivalled joy! You brought the world right under our feet, you made the world a village and took us places where we've never been before, you helped us research this planet and we found love. Why then oh dear technology dost thou treat us thus? Why do you wish to take away just as you had given?
It was a common practise in the olden days for families to give their sons and daughters in marriage to men and women whose homes were almost a stone throw from the family. In fact there were times when people married from their kindred. In those days, families knew their courting members and intending couples knew themselves right from cradle. Both parties were used to each other prior to the ceremonies and relationships were filled with substantial interactions.
With the advent of civilisation, inter tribal relationships began. Technology followed, driving merchants from far and wide to communities, further strengthening inter tribal relationships.
A widespread use of mobile phones and the Internet ensued and people were now even able to maintain contact with their peers in other parts of the world. This gave birth to a new dimension of loving; The Long distance relationship.
The innovation, technology is however evolving at a very high rate such that her products are wiped out much sooner than they are created. And the future of a once refreshing feeling that brewed trust and love has now become very uncertain.
Relationships now exist between people who are profoundly lonely and almost isolated emotionally but who are by all indications, connected with technology. The distressing part of it is that their cries of loneliness go unheard as each half assumes a connection from their very many 'virtual' communications.
The sad truth also is that; whatever our position on technology, we cannot rule it out of our lives. It has become embedded into our very existence and we need it to survive. How then do we preserve the future of our feelings in our world of today?
My answer is an 'appropriate' use of technology and a rekindled value for physical encounters.
1.) Limit our time to the digital world: Truly, we cannot do without our very many gadgets but technology was made by and for man! We have a control over what powers it has in our lives. We must know the value of our human interactions and not let anything, including technology take that from us. Rely less on your mobile and create equivalent time to meet with your loved one. Set limits for what you discuss over the phone and the time you spend talking over the phone. This may sound all mechanical but with an insistence, it becomes a lifestyle. It at least, gives you a reason to look up to a physical meeting with your loved one.
2.) Make every encounter priceless: while you try to achieve a limitation in what you communicate over the phone, you must also give value to your physical encounters with your special one, to avoid creating a vacuum in your relationship. Often times, we have observed that online lovers have nothing to say to each other when they finally get to meet. There are a thousand and one things to say to your special one. Start all over to say those mushy words you put into writing everyday and watch the sparks that come with the countenance behind those words! Hold hands while you say those words, focus on the rhythm of those moving lips. Not one second of those 2 hours should be lost. Create memories that leaves you breathless till your 'next time'
Dear Lovers of our time, what are your views on this matter. Shall we sit and watch Miss technology take away something so breathtaking? Leave your thoughts on the comment section.
We cannot return to our beginning but we can tailor whatever material we have currently to suit us. We must augment by ourselves, whatever lacks in technology to give the right spread of communication to our relationships. We must preserve what we cherish.
Love conquers all!
I apologise to have been the first person to have drank from this glass, but in truth, you had a valid analysis of our present stance.
ReplyDeleteIt's more like Technology has stripped man of her natural abilities.
It's only in our today's world that I have known mute noisemakers, who only owned their expressions when they're next to their devices.
How about the finesse's of looks?
Most often than said, relationships would end sooner than they've had a true existed, due to unmet expectations and the unpredicted sourness of an overly sweet techy lover when reality both pokes both at their eye balls.
It's such a long way to go from here, but I pray we all survived
Lovely read, Claire!
Thank you Richard. Technology has truly stripped man of his natural abilities, leaving him almost totally dependent on its provisions. Many are not even able to say with their lips what they type with their gadgets and we live in an environment that doesn't exist in real life. It's a real challenge for our generation. I truly pray we all survive this wave.
DeleteWhen two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far, no time is too long and no other love can break them apart. They are both fed emotionally with the fulfillments and satisfactions that love gives them on a daily basis. I believe technology has facilitated the aforementioned because it makes relationships thrive easily in a busy and challenging environment. Imagine what it would have been in the olden days of love letters. It means people will leave their partners totally broken in Search of the material necessities especially what to eat and what to drink.
ReplyDeleteTechnology has undoubtedly helped relationships thrive in our busy world of today. But the 'virtual' environment it creates is not enough. Our relationships have become deceitful and hideous, with many 'mute noisemakers' and fake smiles trending everywhere. It is part of the very many reasons why people say their loved one has 'changed' when the actual marriage begins. It's a problem that needs solution.
DeleteYour thoughts are however appreciated, thank you for reading through.
Technology has done more than the old method can ever do.
ReplyDeleteIn which other way, it might seem good or bad but we can't dispute the fact that Technology has helped some love blossom.
Many love lives were improved by one technological way or the other, many met their ribs through these means and I must say it's not a bad effect.
The negative part comes in when what's been expressed online can't be expressed physically. I can't forget that technology has marred some lives and relationship.
All things been equal, everyone need to know where it itches or affects one negatively,then devise good means to make it work and to erase it negative effects.
Nice one Claire.
Thank you so much. We should all know where it affects us negatively and discover the way forward. I love your line of thought.