Dear Ladies,
It's not your job to build a man, you build with a man. There is a huge difference between helping a man who has a plan and creating the plan for him or making him see potential in himself. A man should have his own goals, plans and be working on them already before you can assist, you don't create goals for him. Love is balanced when both partners are equally ready.

It is draining to force a camel to drink from a stream when it in itself is not thirsty. Have you thought about what happens when it refuses to drink after all your efforts? The rage you will feel is equivalent to how drained you will be with a man who has no plans.
Never you let yourself be influenced by our society into getting yourself drained with the burden of building a man to prove yourself to be a good woman. Even the men themselves look for a woman that has a plan, a woman that has a career, a woman that has a job or a business. They do not look for a burden to bear. Why then should a woman who knows what she wants and is unwilling to go below that be tagged as 'bad' or 'gold digger'?

A woman is not the creator who destines all men! If a man is broken by his rigors through life and is unable to function, it is not your job to heal him. The best you can do is to lead him to the One who made all, only the Sculptor can correct an error. Do not let yourself be tied to a man who sees you just for what you do and not for who you are. You are the flesh of his flesh! You must know this and don't let any man see you in any way below that. 

Devote such building energy to yourself you need it, channel it to something lucrative, reserve some for you work of assisting the Creator in your children. Pray to meet a man who is at his purpose, a man who deserves a woman.