Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love (respect) your wives.......

I always love to quote this portion of the Holy Book that explicitly arrogates duties between man and woman. The family is like every other institution in life, one man or woman comes up with an idea and funding and employs other persons to form a company. Every family starts with a man going with his people to ask for the hand of the lady whom he loves in marriage, this naturally makes a man the head of his home. For easy flow of process in organizations, everyone submits to the head or someone appointed by the head. Often times, there is also a deputy, who in the absence of the head acts in a similar capacity.

Marriage is the first and smallest institution in the world, its modus operandi is in no way different from that of other institutions. The man is the head of the home and his wife is his deputy. For the success of an institution (marriage), the deputy (woman) should at no instance, make the head (man) feel that his position as the head of the home is threatened.

Dear women, you may become richer than your husband, you may become more successful, you may even become the president of the country where he is just a citizen. Be careful! Your status in life must never interfere with your home, do not let the pride that comes with making exploits destroy the love you share with your man. You must consciously subdue every temptations to remind your husband by word or action, of how he is less successful than you are. Being head of an organization doesn't always equal to being the most successful.

This illustration is by no means trying to imply that your voice as a woman is not to be recognized in your own home. It doesn't also discredit the right of a woman to tell her husband when he is failing in his responsibilities. It is only saying that rather than make such comments sound like a command, whisper them with love to the ears of he whose duty is none other than to love you, trusting that he is not going to intentionally make any decision that would affect you negatively. At this point, I also want remind the men that no head can function without subordinates, if you disrespect your wife you will gradually destroy your home. No head of organization knows it all, he/she works with ideas from every member. Your wife's ideas can take your family places, do not let your pride deny you such opportunity.
Let love lead our relationships (marriages), love is not proud.