Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous...
I sincerely apologize to all singles reading this post for my focus on the married. It is not as though I do not recognise honor in a relationship but there is no bed to be defiled to the best of my knowledge and whatever commitments you have depends on the persons involved.

On your wedding day, you make a vow entailing the following:
I take you.... To love and to hold..... From this day forward..... Till death do us part.
These words are not a bluff, they dedicate you to your spouse, they hold a seal on you till you breath no more. To honour your spouse is to keep this vows as holy, it is to live for the purpose of fulfilling these vows (till death do us part). These vows are the very foundations of marriage, they are marriage itself! You can't be married when you do not live up to these vows.

When you make a promise to a child to buy him a box of chocolates, he/she continually looks at your hands for a sign of it at every single encounter he has with you. He may go as far as greeting you with the words 'chocolate' each time he sees you. Three (3) encounters and you are still unable to fulfill that promise, he begins to disregard you, he sees you and walks past, he makes mockery of you with his peers.

Our marriage is nothing different, only that there is no child in the picture. The first sign of true love in your marriage is to honor your marital vows, it is to avoid the sin of adultery! Adultery in your affections, adultery in your marital bed, adultery in your actions, adultery in your intentions, adultery in your responsibilities (to love and to hold). It destroys trust, it destroys faith, it destroys hope, it totally shatters the heart! It makes your spouse disregard you, no one trusts a man/woman who does not keep his/her words.

Now, there are two sides to this thing called adultery; you not only show that are not to be trusted, you haunt your significant other with the trauma of loosing 'the one thing you truly called yours in life'. Watching others take away what belongs to you and not being able to even regain it (no action can be taken back) is the worst feeling in the world. It tells you of your weakness, it tells you of people being better than you, of people being chosen over you and if care is not taken, completely destroys your self esteem.

The road to love is not easy but not impossible. Be true to your words, live up to these vows, love does not dishonour.