When we love someone, we make ourselves so vulnerable and weak to them that its easy for them to hurt us. We also somehow develop this new tolerance level that makes it even almost impossible for us to feel hurt by their actions. Thus when they hurt us, we quickly put it behind; this is because the person who wronged us means more to us than the wrong they have done.
But the mistake many of us make is to keep record of these wrongs, waiting for the seven hundred and seventy seventh time so we can reheat these sins for our breakfast. We forgive for the moment but hold onto it's memory, very ready to bring it up at a later date for our spouse. Either we want to play the superheroes who forgives all sins or we want to use it to obtain same at a later date. So we keep this historic notebook, waiting for the right moment.
Many marriages are broken, disconnected, wounded and worn today because we are always ready to hold onto the wrongs of each other. We offer these on daily basis as a justification for our feelings of betrayal and detachment from one another. We see these couples walking together but not close enough for those hands to brush, sitting far apart even on the same sofa, distanced at a table even when they serve their foods from one cooler.
Are you reading this? No long talks. Empty that suitcase of hurt today! Your wife means more than your pride, she is in fact your pride. She may not even be truly sorry about what she did but your rest of mind is Paramount for your marriage to work. These records prevent you from showing her how much she means to you. They make you unable to enjoy love making. They will tear your marriage apart.
What makes our relationship with God so remarkable is His ever readiness to accept us back, putting behind every of our disappointments and unfaithfulness. God keeps no record of our wrongs, he doesn't accuse us with them. Choose love today, love keeps no record of wrongs.