Me: Good morning Ma. I wan buy fried yam and akara.
Madam: How much own?
Me: 150
Madam suddenly sees her tribe people and starts attending to them while I stand there waiting without saying a word to me.
Customer service is taking a back seat in many retail outlets and industries, today. In the past, customers were always welcomed with open arms. Sales associates would do all they could to help you, the customer, in any way they could. It was in fact, more important than selling the goods themselves. Businesses were built on good  customer service. Stores were neat and clean, you always had someone to help you make a choice of what to buy, there was also a candy dish to keep you busy while you make your choice and staffs were very polite to customers. Today, people feel it is “extra work” to please the customer. Outlets go as far as telling you outright once you step in 'I hope you have a small change with you', how pathetic? I come in with my own money to patronise you and you can't even make an effort to get me my balance?
I don't want to go into details of the ugly experiences people have each day at stores. I just want to remind every business owner that customers are the reason why you are in business, make them a priority.
In another gist about our SCM, the ARC cohort 1 program registration is just 14 days to go. This is an opportunity to learn about supply chain management. Follow the link below and find out more.