When customers step into your store, 60% are not sure of what they want, 20% have extra cash with them and 20% know exactly what they want and have the right amount. Now you on the other hand, may have what they want, may not have what they want or may sell at a higher price. But the fact is that you are opened for profit, why then should you let someone walk out of your store with their money?
I have outlined here, 5 simple ways to motivate customers to buy, let's take our businesses to where we want them.
1.) Keep your display tidy: Customers can pay any amount for neatly stacked products, they feel the worth. They would rather buy a plate of rice at 500 naira from a clean restaurant than at 150 from a dirty joint. Ensure you clean your shelf daily, install Air Conditioners to help keep everywhere cool and stack your products in a very attractive way. Being a roadside seller doesn't exempt you from this, keep your display tidy.
2.) Fill up your shelves: nothing makes customers confident to buy than a fully stacked shop. It gives them a sense of 'a big place'. Customers love to buy from a place that looks like they actually 'have something going', LOL! Empty shelves gives customers a sense of a poor business and they begin to even doubt what you have and check if they are old or expired.
3.) Be friendly with customers: Everyone likes company but it's even more important for customers, smile when you see them. When customers try to locate what they want, assign your salesperson to go with them. It's also your opportunity to tell them about your products and services and convince them as to why your prices are not exorbitant. It's also your opportunity to bond with your customers, everyone likes to buy from people who take a particular interest in them.
4) Give them a good price: a good price is not the lowest price in the market, it's the lowest price they can trust. Don't keep your prices too low, people would begin to doubt their authenticity. Don't keep them too high either, they would doubt your dependability. Give a price that Worth's your product and your environment. People know what is good and will definitely pay for it.
5.) Create packages/deals: to maximise this, package goods of similar categories e.g .Milk and sugar rather than milk and toothbrush. Customers are happier getting things they can actually use, rather than just getting something extra. To do this, purchase things at lowest possible price so you can sell both at a discount without running a loss account.
Customers do not know what they actually need. Good news is you can actually work on their psyche and make them 'need' your product. Product price is not the major reason why customers don't buy, it's the way he/she feels about your product and store. Your product is not just your actual goods, its your store and personnel too. Work on your customers (via your products) and count your money today!